Connections: Embracing Every Ability in Gospel-Centered Community
Community Baptist’s Special Needs Ministry “Connections” exists to provide a welcoming, safe, and accessible environment for individuals of all ages and abilities to be included as full participants in the life and community of the church as they grow in the wonder of the gospel and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Connections is designed to be a place where families of children of all abilities can be connected with other families, children can be connected with their peers, and ultimately all can be connected to Jesus. We have opportunities for you and your loved ones in both our 9am and 11am services. The easiest way to access our Connections ministry is to enter through the NorthEast entry doors and go left to Room 1 where you will be greeted by our amazing team of trained and background checked volunteers. If you would like to plan your visit ahead of time please email Pastor Adam or call the church offices at 918-486-4100.